
reflection of RCA class

 Chikako Takemoto

What I learned in RCA    
     I learned some things connect with reading academic text. First is the Cause and effect. I didn’t care about the connection between cause and effect before learning this strategy, however it became helpful skill not only to read academic text but also to write the academic paper because it can clear the reason and I can make the strong opinion supported. Second is the how to read the text included unknown words. When I read the text and there are some unknown words, I always research the meaning or definition as soon as possible without guessing the meaning. However, if I think about the connection between the sentences of the word, I can guess the definition of the word. It is very useful skill and I always to try to guess before using dictionary.
     In addition to that, I learned how to do the short or long presentation and the preparation. In the ELA class, there are a lot of presentations and discussions to it. RCA also have some presentation from group to individual. Each presentation has a preparation and we have to do the time management at the same time in the presentation. I became to good at doing those things and this skill help me at everywhere. I thought this skill is what I really want to get. I please to get the skill in ELA class.
    There are any difficulties in the learning strategies because there are many new things that I don’t know, however, it absolutely necessary for us. I will use those strategy that I learned in the class of RCA

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